After every big storm event, insurance companies set a budget for that event & systematically pay out claims to fulfill their obligations. There always seems to be a few properties left behind that have insurance but for some reason did not get a full replacement approval from their insurance company. There is really no rhyme or reason to try & figure out how or why this happens. While 90% of homes in an affected area get full roof replacements, 10% seem to either receive a blatant full denial, a repair, or a partial replacement often times leaving the policyholder with the tough decision of coming out of pocket to fund a full replacement, doing the prescribed repairs, or losing future insurance coverage on their roof. To avoid this happening to you, you should have a qualified contractor assist you through the claims process as it is easier to get a full replacement from the beginning than trying to reverse a denied or partial approval. With that being said, it is not over if you are currently sitting with a repair or partial replacement estimate from your carrier. Crown Roofing has systems in place to deal with these exact scenarios with a very high success rate of turning repairs or partial replacement into full replacements without the need of litigation.